Tempted to move to Abruzzo?


Planning to change your life moving into the Italian countryside? We feel you. Marc and I have done it, twenty years ago. 

At the time, there were no websites advertising the Abruzzo region. Nor British realtors trying to gain space in a very competitive market. No social media ads advertising restaurants or pâtisseries. 

We feel that a more objective approach is necessary nowadays: living here, we know that the marketing approach has taken over the clear representation of reality. A reality which has changed quite a bit, especially in the last ten years.

Therefore, hoping to give you an insight that might be useful, we will be sharing our experiences, in detail. We hope to give you an idea of what life looks like here, covering traditions, culture, practicalities, bureaucracy, travel. 

We will share the simple but beautiful things we love: we will write about some amazing people we have met on the way. And last, but not least, we will gladly help you to address any questions, doubts, or information you might need. 

Abruzzo has been defined by an eminent Italian author, Primo Levi, as "strong and gentle". This is how he entitled the book he published in 1883, a collection of notes he wrote while travelling the region. The picture we shared at the beginning of this post is the perfect demonstration of his stance: the Gran Sasso d'Italia, a majestic massif which offers quite some challenges even to the most experienced mountaineers, looks like a serene and gorgeous sleeping beauty (can you see it? :)) when looking at it while driving on the asse attrezzato, the ring road surrounding Pescara. 

I am looking forward to sharing more! I will commit to a couple of posts per week, hoping to be able to comply with such pleasurable duty. In the meantime, I will share some links about the references I have listed in the article. 

Thank you for reading my first post!



More about the Gran Sasso here, and here

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